Item Id: JM20009

Japanese WWII Army Officers Cape


Capes like this are often asociated with “Kempetai” (Military Police). This is a tailor made officer’s quality cape / mantel made of fine khaki/brown colored cloth. Four light Brown bakelite button front closure with a slit opening, half-way up the back with three smaller buttons of the same type. Doubble hook neck closure, each with corresponding Catch. There is also a cloth strap with a single button sewn to the inside neck and an additional strap to secure the cape to the neck. The cape is lined with fine brown brushed cotton with a singel slit open pocket.


The lining has one large mending, it meassures ca 10cm x 10cm see Pictures. There is also a couple of smaller mendings to the khaki/Brown outside cloth which is hardly noticable. Besides that good condition with light signs of age and use.


This cape comes straight from Japan and has never been in a Collection Before!!